Sport Psychology

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Get WISE on a TOUGH Challenge

Coaches are unanimous in saying their athletes are lacking resilience, they’re not as ‘tough’ as their teams in previous times. And, not just physically tough, mentally tough. But, do todays Gen Y & Z athletes understand toughness? Do they know that the mental framework that lets you complete every training session, perform in a competition, and get you through a 20 second sprint are all unique mental skills? Have they got strategies to rely on when things don’t go to plan in the middle of competition? Are they resilient enough to bounce back from injury? Our goal is to get wise on this tough challenge.

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The Coaching Connection

Sport Psychologist and Mental Performance Coach, Dr. Ed Garrett or Dr. G. as he’s known, explains the link between the coaching connection and behavioral types. His simple explanations and situation-specific examples make the process easy to understand and his suggested solutions will have an immediate impact on your coaching.

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Equipping Athletes to Evolve

When we think CrossFit, gyms and performance coaching, most people immediately think physical, but Mental and Fitness Performance Coach, Jared Cohen, is achieving exceptional results using mental strategies in combination with physical improvement.

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How Happiness Affects Athletes

A 75 year-long Harvard study reveals that authentic, honest and reliable relationships are the source of happiness, physical and mental health. In a TED Talk on the study, one of the longest continuous studies of adult development in the world, Director, Robert Waldinger’s discusses the findings and the popular talk has recorded some 13 million views. In this article we speak to Athlete Assessments’ Senior Consultant, Bo Hanson, about what these important findings mean for athletes, teams and coaches.

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What to Look for in Losses

I was listening to a podcast with a successful Australian cyclist who had won an incredible 11 world titles, but, it wasn’t these titles that shaped her as a competitor, it was the 29 world titles that she contested and lost.

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Sandra Chu – High-Performance Consultant

Our Extended Interview   By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments When we interviewed Sandra Chu for our recent article “Game Changing” there were just too many valuable insights for only one article. To overcome

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Olympic Mental Challenges – Insights from Dr Nicole Detling

Mental Performance Coach, Dr Nicole Detling, is distinguished by her ability to cultivate exceptional progress in her athletes. Professionally, she was a fundamental part of Team USA’s incredibly successful campaigns at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, 2014 Sochi Olympics and the 2018 Olympics in PyeongChang. She worked with the US Speed Skating and Freestyle Aerial Ski Teams as well as the Snowboarding team for PyeongChang. Over 2 decades she’s developed a unique insight into the pressures associated with Olympic performance, how to work through them and lay the foundations for success.

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Coaches, Don’t Let Your Athletes Miss This In Their Training Journals

We’ve all heard about the importance of athletes keeping training journals to improve performance, and like all valuable performance strategies it isn’t whether or not our athletes know about it, but whether they do it. Bo Hanson, Senior Consultant at Athlete Assessments says, “a training journal is one of the first activities we encourage athletes to do. The kind of things we like to see in a training journal include; the way an athlete feels about the session, any mental, physical or technical challenges they identify, things they want to improve on, things they were coached to improve on, strategies they tried and the values they lived on the team that practice.”

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Game Changing Consultant – Sandra Chu

Sandra Chu, High-Performance Consultant, Princeton Graduate, Director of Two Tigers Consulting, successful Collegiate Rowing Coach, is a proven game changer. In any sport, in any field, her commitment to excellence, ability to analyze the obstacles, develop strategies and institute changes, transforms lives and fundamentally the ability and performance of teams.

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Extended Q&A with Nicole Detling

Mental Performance Coach, Headstrong Consulting   By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments In writing the recent article ‘Olympic Mental Challenges’, we had the opportunity to interview Dr Nicole Detling. She had so many valuable

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Answer to THE Coaching Question

What’s the difference between super champions, champions and athletes who don’t quite make it? It’s the quintessential coaching question and in this article we’ll recap the research findings that reveal the answers and tell you everything you need to know to apply the academic knowledge to everyday coaching.

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Largest Annual Sport Psychology Conference Worldwide

Exceptional outcomes are possible when people work together, and the Annual Conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) showcases the leading strategies that support sports industry professionals in their quest to perform at the highest possible level.

This annual conference is the largest of its kind in the world, an apex event, and Athlete Assessments is once again hosting an exhibit at the conference to share information about its sport specific DISC Profiles, Consultant Program, Academic Program and popular ATHLETE TOUGH™ workbook and video series. These tools are currently in private practice, in the classrooms, with individuals and with teams, but a visit to the exhibit will ensure you know exactly how these tools can benefit you.

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Domino Effect in Sport

Many believe in the ‘domino effect’ as a natural force in life and subsequently, sport. It’s often referred to as the concept of ‘momentum’. The domino effect is best explained as looking at life, or sport, as a series of somehow connected events or situations. When one domino is pushed, the others all fall until the inevitable end result occurs and a thousand dominos are all lying flat.

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The Pressure of Perfectionism

How the pressure of perfectionism can be alleviated by coaching strategies that focus on effort not execution, beliefs and behavior
By Bo Hanson, Director and Lead Consultant – Athlete Assessments

‘The Rise of Perfectionism’ among college students is a significant trend according to an article by the Harvard Business Review. In summary, the article was reporting on research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), which surveyed 41,641 American, Canadian, and British college students from 1989 to 2016 and found an increasing tendency to

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Why Bullying Doesn’t Build Mental Toughness

Accountability is a prerequisite for high-performance and is an essential theme or value, which takes specific systems and strategies to establish. Bo Hanson, Senior Consultant for Athlete Assessments talks about two of the key factors he encounters regularly which prevent the outcome of accountability occurring.

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Getting Comfortable with The Uncomfortable

Earlier this year I released a Handbook and Video Series called ATHLETE TOUGH™. This project came about because I wanted athletes to understand that qualities such as mental toughness, resilience and grit were in fact teachable skills. Mental toughness is not a mythical quality some are born with and others without.

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Do Millennials Really Lack Mental Toughness?

Mental toughness is like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. In this article we’ll examine whether we as Coaches are providing Millennials (or any aged athlete) with enough opportunities to grow the mental skills that produce award-winning performances.

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Cutting Through the Confusion Encompassing Mental Toughness

You’re not alone if you’re confused about the various terms used to describe mental toughness, from grit, sport psychology and mental skills to resilience, there are numerous ways to describe and refer to mental toughness. Do they mean the same thing, or are there important distinctions between them? In this article we cut through the confusion surrounding mental toughness and focus on the most important elements for success in sport.

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The Ultimate Equalizer in Sport

Is the obsession with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities a misguided focus, even a missed opportunity?   By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments Visit the Athletic Departments of any of the Power 5 Universities in

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Back to Basics – Developing Resilience

In the moments leading up to a game or race, it’s easy to visualize success and feel mentally tough. It’s easy to sit back and talk team strategies with our heart rates low and our breathing under control in an environment where we feel comfortable, unbeatable, ready. But toughness is not defined by pre-game talk or how well you practice your sport.

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Elite athletes dedicate their lives to their sport, but what happens when it all comes to an end? What happens when all you have is your sport?

This is a topic that has recently gained a lot of momentum as a critical issue in sport. For elite athletes, the large majority of their effort and energy is focused on their training and competition. Throughout their careers, athletes make personal, professional and financial sacrifices so they can pursue their dreams. Often, things outside of sport are perceived as a luxury they simply cannot indulge, so it stands to reason that when sport is no longer an option, an athlete’s life feels out of balance or even, meaningless.

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It’s not about Deficits, it’s about being your Best

One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to Sport Psychology is that an athlete needs to have deficits in their mental game before they can seek support. But Sport Psychologist, Dr. Justin Anderson works with some of the world’s best athletes who just want to “be better”.

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Get attached to Your Big Why

Elite athletes are comfortable in uncomfortable situations, they need to be, in fact, this skill alone can convert all of the work they’ve done leading up to this moment into a victory.

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Bo Hanson

Senior Consultant & Director

Bo Hanson’s career within the sport and the business sector spans over 25 years, delivering leadership, management, and coach development. In addition to his own athletic career comprising of four Olympic appearances and including three Olympic medals, Bo has worked for many years with coaches and athletes from over 40 different sports across the globe. Bo was also the winner of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) 2023 Award for L&D Professional of the Year, for his dedication to L&D and transformational work across various industries.

After a successful career in sport including four Olympics and three Olympic Medals, Bo co-founded and developed Athlete Assessments in 2007. Bo now focuses on working with clients to achieve their own success on and off ‘the field’, and has attained an unmatched track-record in doing exactly this.

Headshot Bo
BoRowing-Atlanta Olympics

Now, watch us interrupt him for a round of quick fire questions.